Micro Processor 2075 Bhadra

  1. Describe Von Neumann Machine. Differentiate Hardwired control unit and micro-programmed control unit. (4+4)
  2. Draw the internal architecture of the 8086 microprocessor and explain it. (8)
  3. How is looping implemented in 8085 programs? Explain how nested looping can be done.
    Elaborate with a suitable example
  4. Write a program for 8085 to count the numbers for which the upper nibble is higher than the lower nibble and store the count at the end of the table having 5O bytes of data from C050H. (8)
  5. Explain the process of assembling, linking, and executing an assembly language program.
    Differentiate one-pass and two-pass assembler.
  6. write an assembly language program for 8086 to read a number (l to 9 only) from the user
    and calculate the factorial of it and display it in decimal format
  7. what are the instruction cycle and machine cycle? Explain the timing diagram instruction LXI
    B, A050H with necessary diagram
  8. Differentiate synchronous bus and asynchronous bus. Design an address decoding circuit
    to interface 4 KB ROM and 2KB RAM. The starting address is 4000 H. Use a suitable decoder.
  9. Dfferentiate polling vs. interrupt. Explain how interrupt vector table is used to handle
    intemrpts in 8086 microprocessor.
  10. what are pseudo and real parallelism? Explain Flynn’s classification. (4+4)