Micro Processor 2075 Baisakh
- a) Compare and contrast between hardwired and microprogrammed CU, I4l
b) Write the RTL for instruction LXI H in 8085 microprocessor. t4l - a) Draw the programming model of 8085 and explain each unit. I2+4I
b) Explain the operations and uses of RST instructions in 8085. t4l
c) Write an ALP in 8085 to transfer 20 bytes of data in a table to another table by t6l
interchanging D1 and D4 bits of each byte.
3, a) Explain the different types of addressing modes available in 8085 microprocessor with t8l
. b) Write an ALP in 8086 to read a word and display all the alphabets In alternate case (first t8l
alphabet ln lowercase second in uppercase, third ln lowercase, and so on) in a clear
window. - a) Design the address decoding interface of an output port consisting of 8 LEDs with port
address ABH.
b) Explain different modes of operation in 8255,
c) Explain the execution of instruction AN,4BHin 8085 with the help of timing diagram. - a) Describe the operation of interrupt instruction RtM in 8085 microprocessor.
b) Explain the Interrupt processing in the 8096 microprocessor. - a) Write the characteristics of RISC..
b) Explain six stage pipeline technique with an example.
7, Write short notes on any two:
a) One pass and two pass assembler
b) DMA Controller
c) OS and lts features